January 13th, 2024

The first class of 2024 at NDES Institute of Technology focused on empowering girls in IT through an introductory course on computer components. The collaboration between Ndes Foundation and Privida
Company aimed to provide foundational knowledge to young minds.

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January 20th, 2024

The Ndes Institute of Technology (NIT) Hub had the second class of January 2024, organized by the Ndes Foundation in collaboration with Privida Company. The primary objective of the program is to empower girls in the field of Information Technology (IT)

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February 13th, 2024

The session, held on February 3rd, 2024, marked an essential step in bridging the gender gap in IT by providing comprehensive education and practical skills to young girls interested in pursuing a career in technology. The session was organized at the Ndes Institute of Technology Hub, with the invaluable
collaboration of Privida Company, reinforcing the importance of partnerships in advancing educational initiatives.

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